Friday, September 16, 2011


I know everybody in the whole world thinks that their dog is the best dog ever, but guess what? They are wrong. Kelly, my Labrador Retriever/Australian Sheperd mix was the most amazing dog anybody could ever hope to have. She was so sweet and when I needed a shoulder to cry on, she was there for me. She was truly a man's best friend. I grew up with her and I wish that there was some way I could give back to her the way she gave to me.


  1. I have always LOVED this picture of Kelly and was so amazed you took such great photos of her at such a young age - guess you've always had a good eye.

    I think Kelly knew exactly how you felt about her - and you gave her back as much as she gave you. She absolutely adored you and your sister!

  2. Thank you so much! Yeah I have always loved this picture too. I was kind of suprised that I actually took this picture and that Kelly would sit still long enough for me to take a good picture.
